Doors open: 00:00
Damage: €7
——-By PRETTY UGLYxBagdaddyRecordsxOCCII——-
Bagdaddy vs Everybody ft Omninaut ft Stakattak
###################### CONTEXT ######################
Bagdaddy Records is an Eindhoven-based middle finger movement. The movement releases loud, alternative and less loud music by loud bands. Occasionally there’s a run of exclusive “Vieze Hoer” or “Schone Poes” soaps.The label is run by an Iraqi cat-ghost-girl who only wanders into existence when there’s something that needs to blow up (in every sense of the word).
Cairo Liberation Front first brought Bagdaddy performances to life in 2018, resulting in a permanent spot within the band and her solo project that is now premiering with an expanded band on this magical OCCII night.
###################### LINE UP ######################
Omninaut (SPACE)
(elektro, ambient, spoken-word duo)
Video EP “So You Don’t Have The Time?” Celebration Show
Three beautiful short movies made by several talented directors, producers and artists hand-picked by the French Marie Caye and Dutch Arvid Jense. The creative duo come to live as robotic aliens during their video presentation performance. They have already successfully confronted people at Eindhoven Film Festival – EFF and Dutch Design Week before planning to shake shit up at OCCII!
Prepare for a futuristic, absurd and absolutely impressive show.
“So You Don’t Have The Time?” Video EP Release through Bagdaddy Records and Omninaut.
Stakattak (BRUSSELS)
(trash pop, punk, groovy agression trio)
2” vinyl “NO EXIT” Celebration Show
There is no time to waste in welcoming the most abrasive wife-husband-and-brother trio from Belgium to a venue near you.
Their co-released debute album is a gorgeous piece of agressive awkwardness and high quality content. Their performance will haunt your bones and wet your skin. Be sure to let that sink in.
“NO EXIT” Vinyl Release through Bagdaddy Records, Stadskanker (BE), Love Mazout (BE), Rockerill Records (BE), Do It Youssef (FR), Les Clampins d’Abord (FR)
Bagdaddy vs. Everybody (EVERYWHERE)
(Iraqi, Harsh Exotica, Noord-Brabant mindfuck)
Celebratory “Bigger Band” Try-Out Show
Bagdaddy vs. Everybody = 2x Hard Headed Soul / Zesde Kolonne myths, Naujawanan Baidar / The Myrrors / Radio Khyaban wizard, ZALM/AMSWDYNH/Barreuh Records supernova, SABBARDEYA mermaid and obviously your realest daddy; Bagdaddy.