Eugene Chadbourne (Duet with Schroeder, US/DE) + Seamus Cater (UK/NL) & Fredrik Rasten (NO/DE) + DNK DJ TEAM / MFK + Hannah Cheney

Friday, April 12, 2024   
DNK Amsterdam
Doors open: 20:00
Showtime: 20.30
Damage: €10

DNK DAYS and OCCII Present: A night of Hyper-Folk.


Eugene Chadbourne (Duet with Schroeder)

Eugene Chadbourne – voice and guitar (USA)
Schroeder – drums (DE)

Chadbourne is a legendary musician in every way. And plays songs like they ought to be played. Enough said…


Seamus Cater & Fredrik Rasten

Seamus Cater – voice and concertina (UK/NL)
Fredrik Rasten – voice and guitar (NO/DE)

Within English and Scottish traditional song, Seamus Cater and Fredrik Rasten search for a grounded resonance, both literal and musical. Their repertoire explores existing ballads and proposes ballads with a wider geography which until now may never have been written down in song form. The music sounds somewhere between the ancient and the modern, all the while pushing a little at the boundaries of common harmony.

DNK DJ TEAM / MFK + Hannah Cheney

DNK Amsterdam
Concert Series for Experimental Music |

eugene chadbourne: nazi punks fuck off!

Bookings are closed for this event. 50 tickets will be sold at the door