Beyond The Realms Of Doom -w/ FIFTH ERA (uk) + ANGST + MANIAK-47 (be) + ANTRAXID (de) + LE BOURREAU (be) + TONAL VERGES + NEWK vs HTBRD
Doors open: 00:00
Showtime: 22:00 - 04:00
Damage: €8
doomcore / witch house / experimental / hardcore
[UK] dj set / the lurker / 65 london
██ Angst
altar recs / phantasma disques
██ Maniak-47
[BE] wildekind sound / doomcore recs
[DE] night terror recs / 65 division niederrhein
[BE] acidcore recs / altar recs
██ Tonal Verges
spirit of progress / ketacore recs
██ Newk vs HTBRD
dstruct / ketacore recs
The most ecstatic and vibrant party crowd since Woodstock. The biggest and brightest fireworks show of all European music festivals. The fastest strobes of the northern hemisphere. The most intricate lasershow ever, displaying flowers and such. The best equipped VIP area of The Netherlands. A waiting line for over 2 hours to get into the venue for people that aren’t VIP. The newest innovations and hypes that electronic music has to offer. Something for everyone. Shuttle bus services from every train station. Cakes. Photographers from glossy magazines. MC’s. Hostesses in skimpy outfits. Decorations that make you get in touch with your inner self. Celebrities. Champagne. Professional dancers. Caviar. Smiling people everywhere you fucking look. Entertainment. Professionalism. Peace, love, unity, respect.
We don’t have those. None of them.
So do us all a favour, and go somewhere else.
We don’t want you. We don’t care.