Friday, May 20, 2022   
Doors open: 20:00
Showtime: 20:30
Damage: €10

WATCH! Brilliant comeback single from Blurt : free jazz punk skronk genius!

Somehow longevity suits Blurt.

When they first appeared on Factory Records all those years ago they looked and sounded beyond time. Their free jazz punk skronk was energising and visionary and they made a great fuss and become an underground staple especially in Europe where I remember supporting them in front of 900 people in Munich.

Somehow out of the blue they have returned with a killer new single called ‘Uzi’. Built around the constant Blurt groove, a thrilling and catchy incessant guitar line and Milton’s jazz sax that oozes Uzi elixir and his free form beat poetry it’s a stunning and brilliant single.

Still fronted by the charismatic Ted Milton the band are on fire and suddenly in the right place at the right time. The deserved fuss about the likes of the brilliant Colin Stetson and Shabaka Hutchins taking the sax into new places lets not forget Blurt were there first and are still there now….time for this genius band to get some love…

punk, jazzpunk, no wave, post-punk, London


Zelfs in middeleeuwse wetenschappelijke teksten wordt geïmpliceerd dat de oorwurm in iemands brein kan nestelen, al kruipend kunnen ze schade aanrichten. Deze angst veroorzaakt het mysterieuze imago van de oorworm. Ze worden op afstand gehouden. Velen zijn bang dat ze bijten. Hun naam oorwurm, heeft verschillende mogelijke oorsprongen. The Earwurms maken conceptuele punk, gespeeld door toevallig 3 vrouwen, met hartige woorden en een mikmak aan geluid. The Earwurms hebben onlangs hun eerste album opgenomen, dat binnenkort wordt uitgebracht, hun single “Butterflies” is nu te luisteren.

Bookings are closed for this event. 100 tickets will be sold at the door