Conference: Women in Dutch punk W/ FiLM: Stories from the She-Punks (UK, 2018, Helen Reddington & Gina Birch) + PERSONA NON DATA + WICK BAMBIX + STRESSSYSTEM + ASBEST BOYS + DJ STEVE
Showtime: 13:30
Damage: €10
Conference Women in Dutch punk, OCCII Amsterdam, 18 June 2022
16:10 Keynote panel: Dutch punk girls, 1977 till today.
Chair: Anita Raghunath. Five women, interviewed by Helen Reddington, from first-wave punk woman to very recent one. One may ask: “What are the connections between these four generations of punk women?”
First 1977 wave representative in the panel: Terry, bass/vocals in Cheap ‘n’ Nasty; earlier in PVC and Hideous Hear. Terry play and sing the songs she wrote for the Cheap ‘n’ Nasty “Covergirl” EP.
2020s representatives (two, as it it is the most important wave for the future) : Nana, guitarist of the band Shortcuts, founded in 2021, and Flo, bass player in the Blood Bags.
17:20 Some people in the audience may want to say something
17:40 Final words, by Andrea
Read about, and hear, all these four bands here.

Bookings are closed for this event. 150 tickets will be sold at the door