Showtime: 20:30
Damage: €10 - sold out! no tickets at the door!
RAT CAGE (Sheffield, UK)
Probably the greatest live band in hardcore right now that probably put out the greatest album you’re going to hear this year. Expose yourself to the maniacal cries of the critically-minded individual pushed to the absolute brink, copping rapid fire tidings of woe belted out by an unhinged unit who has finally ceased to give a fuck. SAVAGE VISIONS lashes out at times towards the not-too-distant sounds of VENOM, MIDNIGHT and later DARKTHRONE, expertly folding these riff expressions back in to the irresistibly dysfunctional bop of GBH and CRUCIFIX.
Totalitarian scandicore (with ex and current members of Barren?, Rats Blood, Krigskade and High-Vis). Brain-burning, face-melting raw punk madness. The semi-clean guitar attack makes the bass and drums feel more pummeling, not unlike Canadian D-beaters BOOTLICKER. The vocals are deep and burly, never relenting or modulating, so they hit like a bomb blast.
OUST (Amsterdam/Nijmegen, NL)
Oust is a new-ish outfit formed by people from Landverraad, Crevasse, Betercore or Human Needs. They play raw, ugly and fast hardcore you may admire in bands like Törsö or Slant. Give a listen to their self-titled debut or their 2021’s seven-inch Never Trust a Politician and expect an outburst of heavy sound, crushing riffs, fierce vocals and dystopian nihilism. And don’t miss them as they are (in)famous for their crazy live shows.
Classic 80’s style hardcore along the lines of BGK etc… In a world where the lines between subgenres can blur, AZIJNPISSER stands as a testament to the spirit of hardcore punk. A powerful punch to the gut that’s impossible to ignore. Are you ready to drink a cafè latte while listening to the song Gentrification Hipstershit? We sure are…
Poster design:: tomáš mitura
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