GROND – Bajesdorp Benefiet w/ o.a.: We Sell Reality; Veerle Pennock, , Jasna Veličković, Ivo Bol, DJ Quartier Moustache
Saturday, March 09, 2024
Doors open: 20:00
Showtime: 20:30
Damage: €5 or more (sliding scale)
Bookings are closed for this event. Remainder of the tickets will be sold at the door
Doors open: 20:00
Showtime: 20:30
Damage: €5 or more (sliding scale)
Grond-Bajesdorp Benefit
Electronic music, performance, art, DJ’s
We proudly introduce Grond: a new collective organizing experiments and solidarity at the Bajeskwartier in Amsterdam Oost.
Grond is a group of musicians, artists, activists and chefs running a black box theater and performance space, gardens, a canteen and studio’s in the new Bajesdorp building. We are raising money for equipment, furniture and for setting up our DIY organization. Come and support Grond, meet the artists and enjoy an evening with live music, performance, DJ sets and art!
Line up: Mayke Haringhuizen, Arthur Kneepkens, Fani Konstantinidou, Radical Data, Ivo Bol, Mint Park, Quartet Moustache, plus guests Alexandra Loembe, Iakovos Pavlopoulos, Veerle Pennock, Rutger Muller and Yukari Uekawa
Price: €5.- or more is our suggested donation
GROND is een broedplaats waar collectiviteit, duurzaamheid en kruisbestuiving centraal staan.
Bookings are closed for this event. Remainder of the tickets will be sold at the door