Hosted by Gijs “Rooie Waas” Borstlap w/ Knot Applicable [x0,5]
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Doors open: 00:00
Showtime: 19:00 - 01:00
Damage: FREE, Donation for Artists Welcome!
Doors open: 00:00
Showtime: 19:00 - 01:00
Damage: FREE, Donation for Artists Welcome!
Occii Bar, gijs plays tunes
at 21:00 or so we do a performance
then we drink chat and play around some more
Host: rooie gijs waas and live: Voice – Rope – Cello by Sophie Fetokaki – Ewout Pieter den Ouden – Wilma Pistorius
Knot Applicable
Performance art group bringing Japanese bondage art and contemporary music/improvisation into experimental theatre