OCCII XXV: Seminal Amsterdam venue OCCII turns 25! w/ Alexander Hacke (Einstürzende Neubauten), The Dwarfs of East Agouza (EG), Siege (US), The Ex (NL), Minami Deutsch (JP) & Mike Watt (US) and MANY more.

Friday, September 01, 2017   
Doors open: 00:00
Showtime: 20:30
Damage: € / Donation

OCCII XXV! Grensverleggend Amsterdam podium OCCII viert 25-jarig bestaan
Oude en nieuwe vrienden over de vloer in jubileummaand

Op 14 september 1992 werden de statuten van Onafhankelijk Cultureel Centrum In It (OCCII) ondertekend. Diezelfde maand startte meteen het eerste muziek- en theaterprogramma van het podium. In de daaropvolgende 25 jaar is OCCII en onmisbare schakel geworden in de internationale wereld van onafhankelijke, duurzame en laagdrempelige kunst & cultuur, vooruitgang en experiment, voor zowel artiesten als publiek. Achter de schitterende gerestaureerde gevel van de Amstelveenseweg 134, vind je een autonoom parallel universum, dat wordt bestierd door een veelkleurige vrijwilligersgroep en gedreven door idealisme en passie voor kunst. Of zoals de Griekse journalist Nikko Koulousios het ooit treffend beschreef:

“Kicking globalization in the nuts, the OCCII manages to bring together all the dissident voices of music from the four corners of the globe. The underground has never had a better venue. OCCII has managed to secure its legal status and now runs as an extensive cultural community centre. But its squatty birthmark has sealed its underground, independent, free DNA for ever. OCCII is a success story of a squat, which, having fought with the (real estate) powers of modernity, made it through the wilderness of police brutality, only to prove that communal, social activity can produce something good, something that is not owned by anyone else but us, the people. Transmitting fierce music and art, the OCCII continues to break down rotten boundaries, for the sake of everyone.”

Het 25 jarig jubileum wordt gevierd in september, met een indrukwekkend programma bestaande uit oude en nieuwe gezichten, waaronder Alexander Hacke (Einstürzende Neubauten), The Dwarfs of East Agouza (EG), Siege (US), The Ex (NL), Minami Deutsch (JP) & Mike Watt’s Il Sogno Del Marinaio (US/IT) en nog VEEL meer. Op zaterdag 16 september gaan alle deuren en de Binnenpret-binnentuin open voor iedereen, voor een feestelijke Open Dag vol theater, muziek [The Ex!], workshops en heerlijk eten. Zie voor volledig programma: www.occii.org


OCCII XXV: Seminal Amsterdam venue OCCII turns 25!

On 14 September 1992 the statutes of Onafhankelijk Cultureel Centrum In It (OCCII) were drawn up. The very first music & theatre program started the same month. In the 25 years that followed, OCCII has become an indispensable international bastion of independent, sustainable & low-threshold culture, forward thinking and experiment, for both artists and audience. Behind the beautiful restored facade on Amstelveenseweg 134, you’ll find a autonomous parallel universe, ran by a diverse community of volunteers and powered by idealism and passion for art. Or as Greek journalist Nikko Koulousios once put it:

“Kicking globalization in the nuts, the OCCII manages to bring together all the dissident voices of music from the four corners of the globe. The underground has never had a better venue. OCCII has managed to secure its legal status and now runs as an extensive cultural community centre. But its squatty birthmark has sealed its underground, independent, free DNA for ever. OCCII is a success story of a squat, which, having fought with the (real estate) powers of modernity, made it through the wilderness of police brutality, only to prove that communal, social activity can produce something good, something that is not owned by anyone else but us, the people. Transmitting fierce music and art, the OCCII continues to break down rotten boundaries, for the sake of everyone.”

The anniversary is celebrated during the month of September, with a diverse & international program consisting of old and new friends, including Alexander Hacke (Einstürzende Neubauten), The Dwarfs of East Agouza (EG), Siege (US), The Ex (NL), Minami Deutsch (JP) & Mike Watt’s Il Sogno Del Marinaio (US/IT) and MANY more. On Saturday 16/09 we open all doors and our garden for a festive anniversary Open House, jam-packed with theatre, live-music [The Ex!], workshops and delicious food. See: www.occii.org